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Hidden Harmony Recordings

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This is the debut record by ambient folk writer Isabel del Bosco from Buenos Aires, Argentina, released in December 2023 on the ambient label Hidden Harmony Recordings in Tallinn, Estonia, in a limited edition of 12 copies. Contains 300 post-new age ambient folk songs. It is a 15g weight disc. DL code included. Recommended for neoclassical listeners as well. Click here to see more Hidden Harmony Recordings...

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This is a two-disc record released by Valentina Goncharova, a veteran experimental musician from Kiv, Ukraine, on the experimental label Hidden Harmony in Tallinn, Estonia in 2022. Contains 2 experimental ambient folk to drone songs using various instruments including electric violin. Comes with a 11-page booklet containing the album's concept and equipment used, as well as a DL code. Below is an explanation by the author himself. "My job is to help the listener go deeper into the music. Music is completely improvisational. There is no concept in a rational sense. The concept is purely intuitive. It assumes the law of analogy: "As above, so below. Man is the same as the universe. The universe is the same as man." (The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus). , is like a restatement of logic, with more symbols, including not only philosophical meanings, but also imaginative meanings and visionary interpretations. This music is the essence of consciousness in its purest form. It is a flow.It is not an imitation of flow as in the 12th century "allusive poetry", but a flow in which one flow is superimposed on another (a multifaceted passage of record). And if you think that this flow of music is better understood under the influence of the flow of words, then the flow of words will also be more intuitive, just as you objectively look at this short sentence that you are reading now. It should be associative. Ocean did not exist within the axes of logical scientific thinking of the past four centuries. It can be said to be based on an intuitive concept of the representation of the world metaphorically captured in music. It is similar to the way myths were created in ancient times with only partial support from verbal associations. The Ocean is the experience of the human soul and mind passing through various states of the material world: birth, development, attainment of perfection, transformation at the point of path and silence, previously remaining in a potential state. Manifestation of world harmony (Om). It abhors both mainstream modern physics and fringe scientific research. exist outside their explanatory power. The Ocean is the source of all forms that can receive life in time and space. That's it here. The beautiful and the terrifying, the good and the bad, the self-sacrifice and the betrayal. Creativity full of boundless love and inspiration. However, contact does not occur immediately. The memory of a bygone civilization is still fresh, and so is the memory of the important things left behind." "Click here to see more Hidden...

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This is the debut record by American leftfield pop duo Long Twins, released in March 2023 by Estonia's Hidden Harmony in a limited edition of 3 copies. Contains 500 indigenous strange beats pop songs. It is a 13g weight disc. DL code included. Click here to see more Hidden Harmony Recordings releases available at...